Top 5 Flies for Denali Grayling!

Alaskan Guide’s Top 5 Flies for Arctic Grayling

There’s a beautiful little creek across the road from my cabin and some evenings I’ll string up a rod and instead of suiting up in waders and bringing a big book of flies, I’ll just slip on a pair of Xtratufs and head out with a pair of hemostats and a pair of flies--one on my line and the other buried in my rod cork.  

So what two flies do I usually bring?  And if I could pick only 5 flies for Denali grayling, what would they be? 


5.  An Irresistible 

In sizes 10--14 the classic Irresistible is hard to beat.  It’s a great floater and it’s easy to skate.  Grayling love it and you won’t be needing to constantly apply floatant, as it has enough deer hair to ride high all day long.

4Goddard Caddis

I love the outline of a well-tied Goddard Caddis and, of course, like the Irresistible, it’s got great floatability.  It’s another great fly for grayling because you can twitch it (which grayling LOVE) and it won’t submerge.  I like sizes 10--14.

3.  Yellow or Orange Stimulator

We’ve got stoneflies here in the Cantwell area and so any stonefly imitation works great, but the Stimulator works particularly well.  I prefer yellow or orange.  It’s a big, buggy fly--just the type of thing that really gets the attention of a grayling.  Make sure you give it a good dose of floatant, and don’t hesitate to try sizes as big as a #8, although most of the time, I’ll float a #10 or a #12.  

2.  Black Parachute Ant of Black Foam Ant.

I always carry a black ant.  It’s deadly for grayling in the Denali area and it’s my go-to fly much of the time.  If I’m fishing long, slick pools, go for the Parachute.  If you’re fishing tumbling water and you need something more buoyant, go for the foam version.  Later in August we sometimes have black ants on the wing, but ants don’t need to be in the air in order for this fly to be deadly.  I fish them all summer long.  The grayling know them when they see them.  And trust me, they love them.  Sizes 8--12 work best.

1.  Elk Hair Caddis

You just have to bring some of these.  We’ve got lots of caddis in the Denali area and when I’m guiding clients this is almost always the first fly I tie on.  It’s a great floater.  It’s got a great profile.   It’s easy to skate or skitter.  What’s not to love?  I prefer natural colors or black for the wing, with either green or yellow bodies.  Bring sizes 10--16 and you’ll have all of your bases covered.  It’s a rare day that you won’t do well on an Elk Hair.  

If we can help you plan your Denali fly fishing trip, let us know!  We’re always happy to help…Email me at

Take care,

George Rogers

Denali Angler